Pediatric ADD/ADHD Management
If you are looking for Pediatric ADD/ADHD management in McCamey, then Kokopelli Clinic of McCamey may be your new home.
AD(H)D stands for attention deficit (hyperactivitity) disorder. It is estimated that worldwide 3-5 percent of children suffer from this condition.
Unfortunately, it is not always diagnosed early on when interventions can help the most.
Attention deficit with or without hyperactivity, and impulse control are only some of the most common symptoms of ADD/ADHD in children.
These symptoms can disrupt development in a variety of ways and lead to life-long struggles with school, work, and interpersonal relationships.
But it can be managed. And the sooner it is recognized and treated, the more effective treatment can be.
We offer:
- Brief ADD/ADHD screening including evaluation of any school assessments
- Referrals for initial psychiatric evaluation including telehealth options
- On-going medication management
- Support and education regarding medication regimen and behavioral modification
- Coordination with local school staff to maximize management of symptoms